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Featured Inspiration


Suzzette Berkhalter

Featured Inspiration

As a mother, Wife, Real Estate Agent and Business owner, Suzzette has always managed to achieve her goals by setting the bar high and holding herself accountable. She wholeheartedly believes in the saying- "Iron sharpens Iron", and the importance of surrounding yourself with individuals who keep your inspired, motivated, and HUNGRY!! 

She is able to juggle her busy schedule & titles by setting deadlines & milestones, making the best use of her time, and diligently striving for balance in every aspect of her life. 

If you're looking to purchase a home in Orlando, Florida or surrounding area, please allow Mrs. Suzzette Berkhalter to accommodate and escort you through ALL of your home-buying dreams. I can assure you that Suzzette's ultimate mission is to provide you with an incredible customer-satisfaction approach, leaving you with an astounding-impression, partnered with an extraordinary and unforgettable purchasing-experience.

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